Donegal’s “Runway 28 Craft Gin” takes a recyclable packaging route.
A new destination for sustainable packaging for alcohol brands in the future?
With only a year behind this Guaranteed Irish gin brands existence, work has been underway for almost half of that time, to research, develop, and fund the creation of their (almost) launched 100% recyclable 50ml Gin Sachet.
With a background in product development in the early noughties with an Airline Concessionaire company, a background in aviation as a cabin crew member, and a father who’s unique anti-vandal device invention featured on the BBC’s “Tomorrow’s World” in June 1979, Runway 28 craft gin’s founder MarieAnn Mc Loughlin Dwyer is not unfamiliar with the concept of progressive product development, in an every changing world.
“I love that phrase that it takes twenty years or more to be an overnight success!” said MarieAnn. “It really resonates with any of us who have finally managed to use our experience to remodel, redefine, or recreate what we have been exposed to, or trained to do all our working lives. My dad taught me to try and solve problems, the airline industry taught me about consistent and meticulous standards and product development, and my children and grandchildren have taught me that we should all strive to give something back, especially to the planet.”
“I suppose the greatest problem I have is with people not taking my ideas, my aspirations, and especially my visions seriously, at least not at first!” said MarieAnn. “All of my professions (spanning a 40 year journey) have been creative in one way or another, and over the years these have encompassed writing, music, producing, product development, and much more. However, I now understand that this doesn’t, necessarily, always give you credibility. This was something my father placed great emphasis on. We know that if at first you don’t succeed you just don’t merely try again, but he thought me to try and always use the benefit from what you’ve learned, and do so with more conviction and determination every time!” Apply, practice and improve, and then do it again,” he would say. Nothing can be taken for granted, complacency is the ever-present temptation and threat, so the elbow grease must always be on the ready. Nowadays they call you a serial entrepreneur, and that’s fine with me!”
Today, Runway 28 Gin is a small Donegal based craft gin company. They work with likeminded sustainable focused businesses like Listoke Distillery in Co. Louth Ireland, and Daklapack packaging in the Netherlands, and of course the iconic Guaranteed Irish institution. Being the consummate student and traveler that she is, MarieAnn recently completed training courses in Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Studies, she is confident that her micro step in a massive world might just make some difference. “I think that investing some of my time, effort, and what I have learned to date in my life, with the company, will be worth doing. There is only one way forward in this world, and that’s at least to leave what you have received in some good order for the next generation, it’s time to start, indeed continue doing just that. My Father, from his old Dublin traditions always reminded me, that you always leave a borrowed item back as you found it, or with his kind disposition, often advised, maybe improve it!”
For more information about the Runway 28 Gin Recyclable 50ml Sachet, or indeed to purchase a bottle of Runway 28 Craft Gin, you can contact MarieAnn at or